Cinewhoop Flythrough of the Old Queensland Museum

QLD, Commercial property (e.g. factory) - Other

Under the Radar Proximity Drone Services (UtR) specialises in Micro RPA sub-250 gram 'Cinewhoop' operations. These types of drones are small, light, and safe. They have ducted propellers and when flown with a CASA approved Operations Manual which UtR has, can be flown via FPV (First Person View) outside, and up to 1m from designated persons (the 'cast'). Both of these actions are not normally allowed under CASA standard operating procedures. The UtR Cinewhoop utilises a de-cased GoPro Hero 8 for high quality video - up to 4k. This video showcases the power of a Cinewhoop by starting outside a building or structure, then entering through a door or window before recording what is happening inside. This video is not edited nor colour-graded. It has no music nor any post-production. The imagery can be supplied exactly like this to a client, which is the preferred option, or can be edited using professional software.

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Under the Radar Proximity Drone Services

Under the Radar Proximity Drone Services

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