Atlantis Digital Alain B.

Alain has been listed since Mar. 2019
Film & TV Business / corporate video Residential property Commercial property Events (e.g. sport, wedding, festival) Training

Atlantis Media Productions have over 25 years of experience in video and media production and has been awarded numerous industry accolades.

One of Melbourne’s leading corporate video production facilities, we cater to the production needs of both large and small businesses. We have covered topics such as health and safety, education & training, entertainment videos and television documentaries.

We’re here to provide you with a dynamic, modern and cost-effective service in digital video production. Our programs are an exciting and effective way to convey your company’s message through entertaining and visually stimulating media.

At Atlantis Media Productions we strive to bring out clients a quick and reliable service to meet the ever-changing needs of the corporate marketplace. Our aim is to work to the specific needs of the people we serve to create superior presentations and products that will showcase your company.

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