Upload Enterprise Pty Ltd Arpan R.

Arpan has been listed since Jun. 2023
Business / corporate video Residential property Commercial property Asset or industrial inspection Construction and engineering Environmental or large area Mine site, quarry or landfill Other

We are drone experts with experience and capabilities. When you need heavy industry asset inspections or site 3D models, we can assist you on whole project, not just fly the drone. Structural audits, reports, using HD video and Thermal imaging to creation of full site models such as a quarry or stockpile, all ran by engineering personnel.

We will always have a No Risk, No Cost project discussion with you about your requirements. If we are a good fit, we will offer a proposal. If we are not the right team, we can likely recommend someone who is.

From $150/hour

Pix4d, 3dflow, Autodesk, Reality capture, Meta shape, Zephyr, Drone Deploy

DJI Various professional level Enterprise drones

over 5000 hours

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My 2 Case studies

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