Nicholas H.

Nicholas has been listed since Jun. 2024

My name is Nick Hancock age 24 and I am new drone enthusiast. I have been flying drones recreationally for 3 years and now I want to make a career out of it. Flying drones for fishing boats along the east coast of Australia has been the biggest highlight of my drone career. I had to learn the hard way by landing on a moving vessel and be quick enough to takeoff safely and efficiently to capture the moment of the fish.
Now being back on land full time I want to progress my skills further into the real estate industry, marketing industry of all kinds, FPV cinematic videography and all things in-between. I'm reliant, resilient, confident and dependable. If you're looking for someone easy to work with and someone who you can easily communicate with to get the desired result, I'm just an email away.

$80 an hour or $400 for the day



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