beDRONED Ian & Heather O.

Ian has been listed since Jul. 2024

We currently service East, West and South Gippsland areas with our drones and a fully self-contained chemical mixing rig. Our Chief remote pilot is fully CASA certified and operates under the beDroned ReOC.

Our fleet includes a Mavic 3ME with multispectral camera for mapping in RGB or mutispectral for crop health analysis. We utilise RGB maps to generate the flight path for our Agricultural drone.

From this RGB map we can identify areas of weed density and save farmers money by targeting spray to those areas.

Multispectral maps can be generated to identify crop areas to be targeted with fertilizer or pesticide and even to identify weed species. We can generate farm maps, 3D images and contour maps.

Our workhorse is the Agras T40 for spraying weeds, pesticides or liquid fertilizer. We can swap out the 40L spray tank for a 70L hopper to distribute fertilizer granules, pellets or seed.

The T40 delivers spray at up to 12.6 L/min with droplet size to 500 microns. In optimal conditions it can cover up to 110 ha/day. We spray only according to label and can apply at rates of 100 L/ha as required by some herbicides. Efficiency is dependent on the required water application rate and complexity of terrain.

Cost per job is determined by water application rate which dictates how long the drone is in the air, how many tank refills and battery changes. Other factors include complexity of terrain, access to mustering points, requirement for manual vs automated flight and travel time. So cost per hectare or cost per hour are really dependent on the work to be done.

Generally we like to visit the site, send up our mapping drone and work out an obligaton-free quote based on your requirements. Costs also depend on whether you or we supply the chemicals.

We use DJI Terra for mapping our flight paths for the T40.
We also use QJIS and WebODM for mapping and crop health.

Our workhorse is the DJI Agras T40.
We employ a Mavic 3ME for mapping and generating hi res images.
We also fly a Phantom 4 for aerial photography.

Our Chief Pilot has over 2000hrs accumulated flying time on aircraft in our drone fleet.

Our location

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1300 12* ***
Enter Ian's 4 digit code below, then # 8387#

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