Last updated by Oscar & Danny on 01/12/2023

Video Tutorials for DJI Agras T40

This is the full and regularly updated video tutorial list.
Click the top right "list" icon to show all the videos.

T40 Fruit Tree Mapping

A quick walk through on the a DJI AGRA T40 fruit tree mapping setup and execution.

DJI agras T40 Spreader Calibration
A quick walk through on how to calibrate a DJI Agra T40 spreader by adding a new material to the material list.

M3M mapping. 1 of 3 on Mapping, Terra and Spraying
This is the first video about the three step process used to map then process in terra and finally executing a prescribed spraying mission.

Target Plant Spraying in Terra
A very quick and rough look at target plant spraying in Terra. Stay tuned for a set of three videos covering the process of mapping, processing in Terra, and spray execution.

T40 Fence Line and Boundary spray
This is a quick walk through of one way to set up a fence line or fire break spray run. It involves using the route segment tool along with the auto boundary option. The process will require a little tweaking to get right, and it also can be done with or without prior mapping.

T40 Fruit Tree Tree Crown Spot Spraying
Using the T40, a quick walk through of how to run a Tree crown or targeted spot spray mission. The first step is to map the area (see the 1st video above).

T40 flight logs - controller to agms, agms export KML files for use in GIS applications.

Using Digital Surface Model to Extract Contours from DJI Terra.

T40 Shop Page T30 Shop Page

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